Chocolate Yum

Hello everyone, anyone, hopefully someone. If you have read a few of my posts you might have realised that over the last few days they have become a bit more lapse than usual and you may have also noticed that this was due to my exams. Well I’ve still got one left so I can’tContinue reading “Chocolate Yum”

Dealing With Exam Stress

Write a blog. Seriously though writing down your thoughts and feelings before exams can greatly boost your ability to perform in the exam. The study about this was mainly aimed at writing down your feelings and anxieties about exams but I feel writing about anything can help you unwind, de-stress, while still exercising your mind.Continue reading “Dealing With Exam Stress”

An Arrow Through The Heart

Fun facts: The origin of archery is a highly debated topic with some perceiving the origin being in the upper Palaeolithic era whereas others believe flint arrow heads found in Africa originate from over 20000 years earlier. It can however be agreed that the earliest bows found were from a swamp in Holmegaard; they wereContinue reading “An Arrow Through The Heart”

Singing In The Shower

I have written before about how the lyrics of songs connect with us in special ways, but now I want to explore the actual act of singing. To set the record from the start what I mean by singing is attempting to sing. There are those born with singing ability, there are those that workContinue reading “Singing In The Shower”

When Your Flatmate Gives Your Assignment A Go

This post is not really mine in any way, shape, form as the questions are written by a professor at the University of Dundee, and the answers were written by my flatmate. I just wanted to share what happens when you give your non law student flat mate a law assignment. Q1. Senga offers toContinue reading “When Your Flatmate Gives Your Assignment A Go”