10 Things I’m Taking from 2017

I am a notoriously busy and fast paced person; in archery I shoot 3 arrows in the time most people shoot 1; in daily life a talk quickly and that only speed up when in meetings and during other time sensitive occasions. I am only able to write this piece as the internet is soContinue reading “10 Things I’m Taking from 2017”

Tattoos and Piercings

I just read a review of my blog from late September last year which really reminded me what this blog is all about, what I want to achieve. I want to make people think. Think about life, think about other, think that there is more than studying more than a degree. Shock horror, how dareContinue reading “Tattoos and Piercings”

Exercise: The Key to Happiness?

I never thought that would be a title for something that I would write. My general attitude to exercise if NO! burn it with fire, or something along those general lines. I must now confess though that I do easily an hour of exercise in some form every day, quite often double that. Don’t getContinue reading “Exercise: The Key to Happiness?”

Mindfulness: What’s it all about

The term “mindfulness” has been kicking around for a while now but it has taken until very recently for me to explore what it actually is. This is in part because I thought it was about thinking through things and my mind is busy enough as it is and partly due to the fact thatContinue reading “Mindfulness: What’s it all about”

Depression Diet

I have wanted to write about depression for quite a while but have never been able to bring myself to do it- it is such a vast and complex topic. After writing my two part piece on “superfoods” I thought I may take a look at how food can be used in alleviating depression. AlthoughContinue reading “Depression Diet”

“Superfood” Diet Part II

Well as promised here’s some possible dinners and deserts based on our healthy “superfoods”. Dinner: Salmon with mashed sweet potato and steamed asparagus. Salmon is full of omega 3 which is brilliant for your heart and skin. A 3oz portion of salmon contains 210 calories. Sweet potato has all of the goodness of normal potatoesContinue reading ““Superfood” Diet Part II”

“Superfood” Diet

There is constantly news on the latest “superfood”, it seems now that there are so many superfoods that everything is a superfood; however, some big brands still like to cling to the idea that they are putting together “superfoods” to create drinks and dishes that are so new and exciting that it can merit chargingContinue reading ““Superfood” Diet”

Exercise through Writing

Writing to me is a large portion of my life; whether writing for this Blog, for magazines, for my cook book, my novel, my play or even that degree I slot in occasionally. Since it takes up so much of my time I thought I would see if it is doing anything for my health-Continue reading “Exercise through Writing”